Diabetic Foot Care

It is recommended for all diabetic patients to have their feet examined regularly to prevent complications. Our doctor will check the blood flow, nerves, skin, and any foot deformity that may increase the risk of complications. Some patients may also qualify for Routine Nail Care depending on their examination and diagnosis. 

Foot & Ankle Surgery

Some foot and ankle deformities, injuries, infection, or gangrene requires surgical treatment. Our doctor will go over all treatment options available and educate the patient on the best treatment plan. 


Extensive Wound Care

It is critical for wound care patients to be monitored closely and get the proper treatment to prevent complications. We treat all types of wounds below the knee. Our doctor has extensive wound care experience and will work closely with the patient's primary doctor, vascular and infectious disease specialists to formulate the best course of treatment. 

Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenail is when the edge of the nail grows into the skin causing pain, redness and can become infected. Our doctor treats ingrown toenails in adults as well as pediatric patients. 

Bunions & Hammertoes

Bunions and hammertoes can be quite painful and cause major discomfort in shoes. Luckily, there are many conservative and surgical treatment options available which will be discussed in detail during your visit. 

Athlete's Foot & Fungal

Skin and nail fungal infection can spread to other parts of the body as well as spread from person to person. In most cases topical and/or oral antifungal medications are prescribed and our doctor will discuss all other recommendations to prevent spreading the fungal infection. 

Flat Feet & High Arches

Flat feet and high arch are deformities that can cause various degrees of physical impact if left untreated. This can lead to pain and discomfort in the feet, ankle, knee, hip, and lower back. Biomechanical examination will be performed by our doctor during your visit and the best course of treatment for you will be discussed. 


Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. Although our doctor has been very successful with treating this condition conservatively, there are procedures and surgical treatment options available if needed. 

Warts, Corns, and Calluses

Warts, corns, and calluses are very common at the bottom of the foot. It is important to have the doctor examine and distinguish between them and recommend the proper treatment plan. 

Neuroma & Neuropathy

Pain, tingling, numbness, burning, pins and needle sensation in feet and lower legs? Our doctor will perform a neurological examination and discuss diagnosis, causes, and treatment options with you. 


Trauma, Sprains, and Fractures

 Injury to foot and ankle can cause chronic pain, deformity, and lead to complications if left untreated. It is critical to get evaluated as soon as possible after an injury and/or to follow up after being discharged from emergency room/urgent care. We can perform in-office x-rays as needed. Our doctor is highly trained in foot and ankle trauma and will discuss all conservative and surgical treatment options. 

Orthotics & Braces

Orthotics and braces may be dispensed or prescribed for the treatment of certain foot and ankle conditions. 


Sports Medicine

We diagnose, treat, and manage sport-related injuries and disorders. Our doctor provides conservative and surgical treatments and will work closely with your physical therapist. 

Pediatric Foot & Ankle

Our doctor treats various pediatric foot and ankle conditions. We have a very friendly and patient doctor and staff who will make your child feel as comfortable as possible during their visit. We do require a parent/legal guardian to be present at the time of visit. 


Diabetic Shoes and Inserts

Diabetic shoes and inserts are specially designed footwear and insoles that provide added support, comfort, and protection for individuals with diabetes. These shoes and inserts are engineered to reduce the risk of foot injuries, blisters, and ulcers, which are common complications of diabetes. They often feature extra depth, cushioning, and breathable materials to prevent foot irritation and promote healthy circulation. By wearing diabetic shoes and inserts, individuals with diabetes can maintain their mobility, reduce foot pain, and prevent long-term foot complications.

In Office Vascular Testing

Foot vascular testing is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that evaluates the blood flow in the arteries and veins of the feet. This test is performed to identify any blockages or abnormalities in the blood vessels that may cause poor circulation and increase the risk of foot complications, such as ulcers and infections. During the test, a healthcare professional uses a series of blood pressure readings in the arteries and veins of the feet. The test is painless, quick, and can provide valuable information for the prevention and treatment of foot-related issues in individuals with diabetes or other vascular conditions. By detecting any potential problems early on, foot vascular testing can help individuals maintain their foot health and prevent more serious complications from developing.


Laser Therapy

Class IV laser therapy is one of the most safe and effective ways to treat various conditions that cause foot and ankle pain! Laser therapy has a vast amount of benefits including:

  • Accelerated cellular reproduction and growth – which is key in repairing the cells of cartilage, bone, tendons, ligaments, and muscle tissue.
  • Reduced scar tissue that typically develops from specific injuries. When patients have less scar tissue, the likelihood of chronic pain is also reduced.
  • Decreased inflammation and increased blood circulation

Everyone’s pain is different. Dr. Mahzoon of Cure Podiatry and Wound Care will diagnose and treat your unique pain – whether it’s in the heel, arches, ball of your foot and/or toes – getting you back to your daily routine with comfort and ease!

With 26 bones in the foot alone, as well as major ligaments, tendons, joints, and nerves – it’s not surprising that millions of Americans suffer various types of foot and ankle pain.

Class IV laser therapy is used for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and decrease inflammation.

When the light source is placed against the skin, photons penetrate several centimeters down and are absorbed by the mitochondria (the energy producing part of a cell). This energy results in the restoration of normal cell function.

The main goal of laser therapy is to stimulate the cell to perform its natural functions, but at an enhanced rate.

Laser therapy is a quick and easy treatment allowing patients to relax during the procedure.  In contrast to “cold lasers,” which provide no feeling or sensation, high power diode laser therapy provides a warm, soothing feeling.

Some of the most common source of foot pain include:

  • Plantar fasciitis – which often creates moderate to severe heel pain
  • Tendonitis including
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Posterior tendonitis (or PTTD)
  • Peroneal tendonitis (tendonitis affecting the midfoot and arch)
  • Ankle sprains
  • Neuroma (or a pinched nerve)
  • Arthritis and inflammation
  • Bunions
  • Hallux limitus (or a stiff big toe joint)

Any one of these conditions can create chronic (long-term) pain or acute (short-term) pain.

Fungal foot infections.  They can create major discomfort and even embarrassment.  They are also EXTREMELY COMMON; affecting millions of people each year.

Additionally, fungus is easily spread.  Individuals with fungus may have contracted it through shared bathroom space, public locker rooms, showers, and pools, shared clothing or shoes, even carpeting.

For some, fungus is simply genetic.  When this is the case, treatment can become even more difficult given the likelihood of reoccurrence.

One of the most prevalent types of fungal foot infections directly affects your toenails.  This type of condition is known as onychomycosis.

You may have onychomycosis if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • yellow or other discoloration of your toenails
  • thickened or brittle toenails an unpleasant odor coming from the nail area 
  • pain

It’s not uncommon to feel discomfort and embarrassment due to the unsightly appearance and these symptoms of onychomycosis.

Fungal nail affects nearly 10% of the US population.

While many find the condition to be, simply, an eye sore, fungal nail can also lead to a larger problems incuding:

  • infection of other toenails
  • infecting friends and family
  • increased pain
  • ingrown toenails
  • Individuals with diabetes are also more susceptible to fungal nail given their compromised immune systems.

Laser therapy offers an effective, safe option for treating fungal toenail without the side effects of many oral medications.

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